I'm pretty sure I'm not the only mother who struggles with Sunday mornings. Since Jadon was just a few weeks old Sunday mornings have been an exhausting, often painful day. Trying to get everyone dressed and ready for church, keep them clean and happy and out the door on time has been a challenge for me. Arriving home from church with hungry, tired kids at or after their usual lunchtime, scrambling to get them something to eat before we all fall into our beds, ready for the rest we desperately need after a hectic morning. So, in all of the crazyness, where does the "Day of Rest" come into play?
One thing I often hear is "This too shall pass". When you're in the midst of week after week, month after month of miserable Sunday mornings it's hard to believe that. I've been noticing lately that Sunday mornings aren't so bad at our house. I started taking note. We would get up with the boys, have some play time. Jon has been cooking breakfast with them. A few weeks ago he and Jadon made crepes. One week Brendan helped make waffles. I'm thankful that I can see improvements in our Sunday morning family time. I've even tried to look at my motives and ask why I do the things I do on Sunday. Is it worth arguing over what clothes are church clothes versus play clothes? Should I insist my boys wear dress shirts and pants when we are going to a church that has dirt floors and it's pouring rain? Or, is it more important that everyone walks out the door with a happy heart, looking forward to worship time with friends.
Hoping you all have a happy, worshipful, restful Sunday with your family!