Friday, May 02, 2014

Lights, Sirens and Adrenaline!

Dear Family, Friends, & Prayer Warriors,
LIGHTS, SIRENS, ADRENALINE!  As promised, Dad and Mom are letting me write the next update, but I have a sneaking suspicion they didn’t anticipate it would be quite this soon.  I have missed you all, and wanted to say, “Hi”! 
This past Saturday night, April 26, was quite the experience.  It was unlike any event I have ever experienced before at least.  Many people tell me I have endured more than most kids my age and Saturday night was no exception.  About 12:40 AM my apnea monitor alarmed.  While it is common for my oxygen monitor (Mr. Pulse Ox) to alarm from time to time, it is not normal for my apnea monitor to alarm. The apnea machine monitors my breathing and heart rate while I sleep at night.  Because it never alarms, Daddy and Mommy both jumped out of bed immediately to come check on me when it started alarming.  Upon entering my room, they found that my heart rate was extremely low and I was not breathing.  They quickly tried to change my position and pat my back to make me breathe, but unfortunately this did not work.  Mommy laid me on the ground and starting breathing for me by performing mouth-to-mouth (Daddy said this was the “Kiss of Life” from Mommy) while Daddy ran and called the ambulance.  The ambulance and fire engine came racing down the road with lights and sirens while adrenaline was racing through Daddy and Mommy.  I started breathing on my own right before the firefighters came in my bedroom.  They were all really nice and very concerned for me.  They helped disconnect me from my monitors and food pump before I took my third trip in an ambulance! I needed to go to the hospital to see why I stopped breathing and my heart slowed. 
After many tests and only two needle pokes (which testifies Jesus was watching over me because it normally takes multiple needle pokes) they started an IV and tested my blood to try to find out why this all happened.  After receiving the results of these tests, my family continued to teach me about animal facts.  The doctor said I had the rhino virus.  I don’t know why they called it this, because I don’t have a horn on my nose and I’ve never been to Africa!?  People at the hospital did say I have grown a lot, but rhinos are HUGE.  Although it sounds scary, I was relieved to learn the rhino virus is really just the common cold.  The nice doctors and nurses explained that in some kids, the common cold can cause bigger problems.  Low and behold…I’m one of those kids. 
                After spending two nights in the hospital without any difficulties, they released me from the hospital Tuesday afternoon.  Gee, it feels good to be home!  Mommy asked Daddy if we could have a family sleepover in their room last night with me in my pack n play.  Daddy agreed, so we had a fun sleepover.  My parents kept a very close eye on me, so close it even woke me up sometimes.  Please pray that we can all get restful sleep now that I have returned home.  Please pray for peace and comfort for Dad and Mom as I think I scared them a little (Mommy just said I scared them A LOT actually!!).  Please continue to lift before God my previously arranged appointments on Friday with the vision doctor and for my EEG test.  Unless I am feeling sick, we are planning to make our road trip to Madison for my doctor appointments.
                Thank you for all the continued thoughts and prayers and for providing a support system to my family.  It is so nice to be the one writing this update as I missed talking to you.  I think Dad and Mom now understand that sometimes a girl has to take extreme measures to get her way (He He!).  Praise be to God for the fact that I am writing to you now.  We know it was truly a miracle that I began to breathe again on my own.  I am so thankful God is still writing my life story.  I will keep you informed on what we find out on Friday in Madison at my appointments.  Hope you have a great day and please thank Jesus for your health and every single breath you take today.


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