Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Warriors,
Greetings! Happy Thanksgiving! To embrace this season of thankfulness and the blessing of life and love, I have documented a list of things I am thankful for to share with you. Inspired by my eventful seventy-five days of life, I present to you my list of reasons I have a thankful heart today!
1. The ONE true God and Great Physician is watching over and carrying me through this time in my life.
2. I am thankful for my TWO parents who love me with all their hearts.
3. I have THREE uncles I love- though I still have yet to meet my Uncle Jon in person.
4. I am blessed to have FOUR grandparents who love to pray for me, hold me, and cuddle me close.
5. Following my birth I spent FIVE weeks in the NICU at Rockford Memorial Hospital.
6. Tomorrow 11/29, marks SIX weeks at home as a family.
7. Twenty-four hours, SEVEN days a week, someone is caring for me.
8. Out of the 805.5 hours I was in the NICU, only EIGHT hours were spent without family at my bedside (I was blessed to have at least one family member with me around the clock!).
9. Aunt Deb has come to visit me NINE times.
10. Uncle Matt and Aunt Faye spent TEN nights with me in the NICU.
11. I was able to get dressed in clothes for the first time when I was ELEVEN days old.
12. When I was TWELVE days old, I met Kendra & Renee, my Physical Therapists, who teach Dad & Mom exercises that help keep my muscles loose.
13. I went THIRTEEN minutes without a heartbeat before the Swedish American Hospital NICU & OR Staff got my heart started, how amazing.
14. I got my first “Daddicure” on day FOURTEEN, because daddy is gentle enough to trim my little fingernails to keep me from scratching myself.
15. I received FIFTEEN “Accessories” & crib “bling” from Aunt Faye, 9 Hair bows and many decorative signs for my NICU crib.
16. September SIXTEENTH, I met my Great Grandma, Nannie, for the first time.
17. I am thankful for Tasha who worked with Mom so that I can be nourished with Momma’s milk.
18. I am thankful for my EIGHTEEN great aunts & uncles.
19. I was born @ 7:35 PM or NINETEEN hundred thirty-five for you 24-hour clock folks.
20. I am thankful for Jamie & Christi my Speech Therapists who work with me to learn how to suck & swallow.
21. I am thankful for my 4-legged big sister Maggie, our dog, who is attentive, calm, gentle, and has only licked me once!
22. I am thankful for Meg, my Occupational Therapist, who taught Dad & Mom many massage techniques to help relax my muscles, keep those back rubs coming Daddy!!
23. Grandma and I had TWENTY-THREE sleepovers in the NICU.
24. TWENTY-FOUR hours people around the world prayed for me on September 18, 2013.
25. I am thankful for Barb, my Developmental Therapist, for believing in me and visiting me weekly at home even though her schedule was already full.
26. I am thankful for the desk lamp Grandma made so Daddy doesn’t turn on the big bright light when he changes my diaper @ 2am.
27. My mom had been off work TWENTY-SEVEN hours before I decided to make my appearance.
28. When I was TWENTY-EIGHT days old and I had a sleepover with my nurse Darci, the only time I wasn’t with family overnight while in the NICU.
29. I started to find my voice on day TWENTY-NINE and share little coos & sighs with Dad & Mom.
30. I met Aunt Rachel & Cousin Joshua when I was THIRTY days old. They flew half-way around the world to meet me!
31. On day THIRTY-ONE I took off my nasal cannula, showing everyone I could breathe on my own without extra oxygen support.
32. I received my feeding tube on day THIRTY-TWO with no complications. Thanks to Dr. Deutsch I never miss a meal. Now with no nasal cannula and a feeding tube, this means I have no more tubes or tape placed on my face.
33. I am thankful for my “little” big sister Tiger, our cat, who has tested out my crib (but only if I’m not in it) to make sure it is up to her sleeping standards.
34. I spent THIRTY-FOUR days in the NICU. At 34 days old, I said goodbye and headed home.
35. My cousin Colton’s wish was to hold Princess Addie on his lap. At THIRTY-FIVE days old, his wish came true!
36. I am thankful for Melissa who makes sure I have all the supplies and equipment needed at home.
37. THIRTY-SEVEN different nurses cared for me from birth to home.
38. I am thankful for Dr. Geddes, my Pediatrician, who coordinates my care across multiple specialties.
39. On day THIRTY-NINE, I took my first trip to Edwards Apple Orchard. Oh, the wonderful smell of Apple Cider Donuts!
40. The elders from our church came to pray for me on day FOURTY and anointed me with oil as James 5:14 in the Bible instructs one to do.
41. I am thankful for Dr. Morales, my neonatologist, for always believing in me. He encouraged Dad and Mom when they didn’t know if I would ever be able to come home.
42. FOURTY-TWO days old and Daddy took me to my first Lowe’s open house & I got to meet many of his co-workers.
43. I went to church for the first time when I was FOURTY-THREE days old.
44. I am thankful Daddy was able to be off work for the first FOURTY-FOUR days of my life. Today he went back to work.
45. I am thankful for the joys of girl time with mommy… SHOPPING!!!
46. I am thankful for the countless Prayer Warriors who have lifted me and my family up in prayer.
47. I am thankful for the blessing of Mom’s 11 years of employment at Swedish American Hospital.
48. I am thankful for snuggle time with Daddy while he watches his favorite driver win his 6th Sprint Cup Championship.
49. I am thankful for the 27 meals that have been given to help Dad & Mom take care of themselves too.
50. I celebrated being FIFTY days old with a walk outside on a beautiful fall day.
51. Day FIFTY-ONE I met Barb & Monica who developed a therapy treatment plan for me.
52. I am thankful for the care, compassion and love from Heather, Nicky, Laura, Laurie and Darci, my core NICU nursing team.
53. I am thankful for Nanna & Grandpa McNeill’s music that soothed me while resting in the NICU.
54. I am thankful for sharing a birthday with Aunt Melody, what a birthday present I am!
55. It’s small but at FIFTY-FIVE days old I gave Mom’s finger a little suck, a huge step in the right direction.
56. I am thankful for a comfortable home that Dad & Mom worked on the past 6 years as a place for me to live.
57. She got lost and even rear ended, but nothing will stop Aunt Noelle from coming to visit. Thank you!
58. When I was FIFTY-EIGHT days old, daddy celebrated 7 years of employment at Lowe’s. What a blessing his job has been during this time.
59. I am proud to be a Red Head just like my cousin Ericka.
60. I showed Mom my gag reflex for the first time on day SIXTY, the beginning signs I can protect my airway.
61. Back in 2003, Dad & Mom met and spent SIXTY-ONE days together on a Royal Servants missions trip, what an amazing 10 years it’s been.
62. On day SIXTY-TWO, I had my first photo shoot, a gift from the photographer and my NICU nurses.
63. What a miracle, my initial PH of 6.75 is rarely compatible with life.
64. We have received SIXTY-FOUR cards and letters from family and friends.
65. To Jadon & Brendan, the cousins whose room is now pink & green; its ok, no Barbie’s yet, just pink Lego’s.
66. I am thankful for Mommy’s cousin Carrie who went above and beyond coordinating my arrival and care while in the NICU.
67. I met Dr. Z my neurologist when I was SIXTY-SEVEN days old.
68. I am thankful for Insurance, what a blessing it is at a time like this.
69. I am thankful for medicines and shots that keep me healthy and help prevent other illness.
70. I am thankful for my constant companion, Mr. Pulse Ox, yes you like to beep at 2am, but we are so grateful for the security you provide by giving Dad and Mom warning when my oxygen levels decline.
71. I am thankful for my writing, editing and publishing team of Dad, Mom, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Faye; without you I would not be able to update my Family, Friends and Prayer Warriors.
72. I was cooled for SEVENTY-TWO hours to help protect my brain after I was born.
73. On day SEVENTY-THREE tests showed my blood platelet count improved significantly. This means I can remain on the seizure medication that my neurologist prefers.
74. I am thankful for snuggling with Granddad during “Addie time”. Unfortunately this list only goes to 75; I look forward to 100% satisfaction rating on 100 days of life on 12/23.
75. Today I celebrate being SEVENTY-FIVE days old!

This collection just begins to tell of the things I have to be thankful for. My hope is that no matter where you are or who you’re with today, you will feel the love of Christ. Remember that whatever circumstance you find yourself in, Jesus loves you. Jesus will walk and, if necessary, carry you through the challenging times in your life. As it says in the Bible, “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Adalynn still needs your prayers!

Latest prayer need...Adalynn's platelet count is very low. One VERY rare side effect of the seizure medication she is on is low platelets. Please pray for her as we get her platelets rechecked Tuesday. Pray for wisdom for what to do regarding the seizure medication as her medication is one of the best for her situation. We serve a BIG GOD who is in control of everything. As a song that keeps coming to mind says..."God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind, So when you don't understand, When don't see His plan, When you can't trace His hand, TRUST HIS HEART!" God is control of our and Adalynn's situation and knows the entire situation better then we ever will. Thanks for all of the continued prayers and support for our family.

Adalynn still needs your prayers!

Latest prayer need...Adalynn's platelet count is very low. One VERY rare side effect of the seizure medication she is on is low platelets. Please pray for her as we get her platelets rechecked Tuesday. Pray for wisdom for what to do regarding the seizure medication as her medication is one of the best for her situation. We serve a BIG GOD who is in control of everything. As a song that keeps coming to mind says..."God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind, So when you don't understand, When don't see His plan, When you can't trace His hand, TRUST HIS HEART!" God is control of our and Adalynn's situation and knows the entire situation better then we ever will. Thanks for all of the continued prayers and support for our family.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Praying for Adalynn 11/20

Dear Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors:
Good evening, it’s me, Adalynn, again writing with an update on my doctor appointment today.  Our trip to Madison went very well.  I am so excited to tell you how Jesus answered our prayers!
·         REQUEST:  Pray that we will be able to develop confidence and entrust my care to this new doctor.
ANSWER:  Each step of the way, from registration and check-in to meeting the new doctor and nurse, we were put at ease and welcomed with smiles all around. 

·         REQUEST:  Pray for wisdom for the doctor as I meet her for the first time and she evaluates me.
ANSWER:  The doctor came in, sat down and spent an hour and fifteen minutes getting to know me!  She was well prepared with lots of knowledge of my situation and knew why I came to see her.  Dr. Z spent time talking to me as well as watching my movements.  Praise be to our God; Dr. Z’s appointment following mine was cancelled, leaving us plenty of time to talk with her.   

·         REQUEST:  Pray that the doctor will see everything God is doing in my life and not set limitations on what I will be able to do based on my medical diagnosis.
ANSWER:  Dr. Z explained more in depth some of the test results from the last several weeks.  Although she agrees with the fact that I have a very extensive brain injury, she was willing to spend time getting to know me for who I am.  Dr. Z said it is still too early to tell the full impact the injury will have on my long term development.  She did state that she doesn’t rule out the opportunity for a miracle.

·         REQUEST:  Pray that she will be honest with Dad and Mom on her medical findings from my evaluation and test results.
ANSWER:  My doctor talked to my parents throughout her assessment of me.  After intensive discussion, Dr. Z confirmed the seriousness and long term impact that my brain injury will have on my growth and development.  She was honest with the fact that I have many important areas of my brain where the cells have died due to the lack of oxygen while my heart was not beating.  These cells are not able to heal themselves or re-grow resulting in limited physical and cognitive development.  My Creator and Great Physician is not limited by the medical findings and we ask for continued prayer for healing beyond medical explanation.

·         REQUEST:  Pray for safety as we travel to Madison, WI and that I will tolerate the trip in the car. I do not always do well in my car seat for extended periods of time.
ANSWER:  We had safe travels both to and from Madison.  I tolerated my car seat well and slept the majority of the trip to the clinic.  Dad and Mom woke me up before we met the doctor so I had a chance to show the doctor what I am capable of doing while awake.

·         REQUEST:  Pray that Jesus will calm Dad and Mom’s nerves and give them wisdom on the questions to ask this new doctor.
ANSWER:    Mom and Dad were so impressed with the doctor and her willingness to listen to their thoughts and concerns.  She answered many questions before my parents even had a chance to ask them. 
Today was a great day as I met my new doctor!  Dad, Mom and I really like Dr. Z and are excited for her to be a part of my healthcare team.  Thank you once again for the continued prayers and support you are providing my parents, me, and our entire family.

Praying for Adalynn 11/20

Dear Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors:
Good evening, it’s me, Adalynn, again writing with an update on my doctor appointment today.  Our trip to Madison went very well.  I am so excited to tell you how Jesus answered our prayers!
·         REQUEST:  Pray that we will be able to develop confidence and entrust my care to this new doctor.
ANSWER:  Each step of the way, from registration and check-in to meeting the new doctor and nurse, we were put at ease and welcomed with smiles all around. 

·         REQUEST:  Pray for wisdom for the doctor as I meet her for the first time and she evaluates me.
ANSWER:  The doctor came in, sat down and spent an hour and fifteen minutes getting to know me!  She was well prepared with lots of knowledge of my situation and knew why I came to see her.  Dr. Z spent time talking to me as well as watching my movements.  Praise be to our God; Dr. Z’s appointment following mine was cancelled, leaving us plenty of time to talk with her.   

·         REQUEST:  Pray that the doctor will see everything God is doing in my life and not set limitations on what I will be able to do based on my medical diagnosis.
ANSWER:  Dr. Z explained more in depth some of the test results from the last several weeks.  Although she agrees with the fact that I have a very extensive brain injury, she was willing to spend time getting to know me for who I am.  Dr. Z said it is still too early to tell the full impact the injury will have on my long term development.  She did state that she doesn’t rule out the opportunity for a miracle.

·         REQUEST:  Pray that she will be honest with Dad and Mom on her medical findings from my evaluation and test results.
ANSWER:  My doctor talked to my parents throughout her assessment of me.  After intensive discussion, Dr. Z confirmed the seriousness and long term impact that my brain injury will have on my growth and development.  She was honest with the fact that I have many important areas of my brain where the cells have died due to the lack of oxygen while my heart was not beating.  These cells are not able to heal themselves or re-grow resulting in limited physical and cognitive development.  My Creator and Great Physician is not limited by the medical findings and we ask for continued prayer for healing beyond medical explanation.

·         REQUEST:  Pray for safety as we travel to Madison, WI and that I will tolerate the trip in the car. I do not always do well in my car seat for extended periods of time.
ANSWER:  We had safe travels both to and from Madison.  I tolerated my car seat well and slept the majority of the trip to the clinic.  Dad and Mom woke me up before we met the doctor so I had a chance to show the doctor what I am capable of doing while awake.

·         REQUEST:  Pray that Jesus will calm Dad and Mom’s nerves and give them wisdom on the questions to ask this new doctor.
ANSWER:    Mom and Dad were so impressed with the doctor and her willingness to listen to their thoughts and concerns.  She answered many questions before my parents even had a chance to ask them. 
Today was a great day as I met my new doctor!  Dad, Mom and I really like Dr. Z and are excited for her to be a part of my healthcare team.  Thank you once again for the continued prayers and support you are providing my parents, me, and our entire family.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Praying for Adalynn 11/19

Dear Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors:
I know it’s been awhile since I last wrote with an update on my status.  No one told me how much fun life outside of the NICU could be!  Dad, Mom, and I have started to get into a routine, and have been busy with attending doctors’ appointments, running errands, going to church, and having visits from therapists.  It is so much fun being out of the hospital; I finally got to meet my four-legged siblings and have even learned the beauty of sleeping-in on some days. 
Thankfully, I have not needed any oxygen support to help me breathe since I left the hospital.  I am connected to one machine twenty-four hours a day that monitors the oxygen level in my blood, and at night I wear a second monitor to make sure I keep breathing and my heart continues to beat okay while I rest.  Dad and Mom are able to use a machine that feeds me through a tube into my stomach since I’m not able eat through my mouth yet.  At times I have tried sucking on Mom’s finger, which seems to excite Dad, Mom and all my family.
I have a Developmental Therapist who comes and visits me on a weekly basis.  She gives Mom and me new exercises and skills to practice. We have many exercises to do daily that will help keep my muscles loose and my arms and legs moving well.  I really like the massages I get to help assist with this movement.  I still need help getting the fluids out of my nose and mouth, but I have developed a stronger cough that clears my throat and helps keep that yucky fluid out of my lungs.  Praise Jesus that He is continuing to help me learn to manage these secretions on my own.
As I said, I have been going to many doctors’ appointments.  This week I get to meet a new doctor.  I will be traveling to the University of Wisconsin at Madison to see a brain doctor.  Since the events of my birth led to a significant brain injury, my parents know this is a very important appointment for my continued healing.  They ask that you lift this appointment up in prayer in some of the following ways:
·         Pray that we will be able to develop confidence and entrust my care to this new doctor.  
·         Pray for wisdom for the doctor as I meet her for the first time and she evaluates me. 
·         Pray that the doctor will see everything God is doing in my life and not set limitations on what I will be able to do based on my medical diagnosis. 
·         Pray that she will be honest with Dad and Mom on her medical findings from my evaluation and test results.
·         Pray for safety as we travel to Madison, WI and that I will tolerate the trip in the car.
 I do not always do well in my car seat for extended periods of time. 
·         Pray that Jesus will calm Dad and Mom’s nerves and give them wisdom on the questions to ask this new doctor. 
My appointment is this Wednesday, November 20, 2013, at 11:30AM.  If you are available and willing, we would appreciate prayer during our appointment.
God continues to reveal Himself in the details of my health and care. It is with Faith in Him that we look forward with great anticipation to see how the Great Physician will work through this time in my life. Thanks to all for the prayers and support. 



Saturday, October 19, 2013

Praying for Adalynn 10/19/2013

Dear Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors,

                Hello, it’s me Adalynn, writing again to update you on my status.  Dad and Mom told me that many of you appreciated my personalization of the last update, so I told them I would happily write to you again. On October 6, the day after I wrote you last, it was confirmed that I truly had pneumonia.  I was given antibiotics for ten days to help me feel better.  I like to think I have recovered well.
My doctor, Dr. Morales, (I like to think I am his favorite patient), said that this pneumonia diagnosis may be common for me even after I go home since I haven’t learned to swallow yet.  He told my parents that they will have to watch me closely and gave them some pointers on signs that could mean I might be getting sick.  Dr. Morales said Dad and Mom will know me better than anyone and will be the best judge of when I might need to see the doctor.  I have to agree with him as Dad and Mom devote time every day to bond with and care for me.  Please pray for Dad and Mom that they will have the wisdom to know when I need to go to the doctor for extra care.
Speaking of home, people want to know when I might get to go home.  Would you believe I am writing you from home right now!! I came home yesterday, October 18th!!  Before I could make my big debut at home, we had to make sure the equipment I need was delivered and ready for use.  Dad and Mom also needed lots of education before bringing me home.  They are bit nervous sometimes about making sure I have everything I need, but I think they will do just fine.  All three of us will have to learn what life outside the NICU is all about; and we will do so together.  Dad and Mom say that’s what family is for…sticking together through the changes in life.  I’ve found out my whole family is good at this.

I understand many of you like specific ways to pray for me.  Below is a list of some prayer requests and praises:

·         Pray for Dad, Mom, and me to adjust to life at home.  I still don’t like a whole lot of extra stimulation so we are trying to figure out the balance between letting me sleep and having people come visit.  For this weekend at least, Dad and Mom warned me that I can’t have friends over yet, so I’ll keep you posted! 
·         Pray for my breathing and need for oxygen support.  Earlier this week, I tried telling everyone that I was done with the oxygen support and that they should remove it from my nose.  Well, I won!!!  I have had no oxygen support for a few days now, so please pray I can maintain my oxygen levels without it on.  The doctors and nurses have warned that I am at a high risk for needing oxygen support anytime I get sick though.  I still have lots of fluid in my nose and mouth that needs to be cleaned out with a suction machine on a routine basis.
·         Pray for me as I continue the long journey of therapy and seeing doctors regularly.  I will receive occupational therapy, physical therapy, and therapy from a speech pathologist. Therapy sessions will assist me to grow strong and make sure I continue to improve to the best of my abilities.
·         Pray for continued healing of my brain and body. Only the Great Physician knows all my needs and can heal me beyond what any earthly doctor can!
·         Praise the Lord!  Please thank Jesus for the opportunity to come home and start life in my house.  God is truly good as we weren’t sure 5 weeks ago if I would ever come home!
·         Praise the Lord!  I have begun finding my voice a little bit at a time.  I still don’t cry, but I sure let people know when I don’t like what they are doing by grunting loudly.  I also have started “sighing” in my sleep.  My mom loves just listening to me sleep with my cute “baby noises.”
·         Praise the Lord!  Just as I am starting to vocalize my dislike for certain cares, I am also learning to squirm away from those cares.  I have started trying to turn away from things I don’t like such as having secretions suctioned out, getting my heel poked to draw blood, or getting my lips cleaned.  I also like to put my arms in the way so it’s a little harder to perform those cares that I don’t like.  I am moving and squirming much more the last several days and they say that is a good thing!
·         Praise the Lord!  I would also ask that you thank the Lord for all the nice doctors, nurses, therapists, family members, and everyone who has helped care for me for the last 5 weeks.  God has truly blessed me and my family with many GREAT people who love and care for me.  I had lots of doctors, nurses, and other hospital people stop in to say “bye” and “good luck” yesterday when I was discharged at the hospital.  Mom and Dad tell me (and we thank Jesus) how grateful we are to all those who have helped take care of me.
Well, I would love to write more, but Dad and Mom say it’s almost time to eat and then its bedtime.  I will keep you updated on how life at home is going.  Thanks again for all the love, support, and prayers you offer me on a regular basis.  Our God alone can heal and has the power to save!  In Him alone we trust!!

