Monday, July 07, 2014

Joshua wearing his coonskin cap

Reading his favorite book with Daddy

Jon on Pulau Kosong (the island)

Mommy and Joshua


playing with markers, 5 minutes before we went grocery shopping

Joshua's favorite toy, the cold water dispenser

Jungle boy

Friday, July 04, 2014

Photos for Nana

Jadon in the hamock.  The German Shepherd is Bandit.  We are dog sitting him until January.

Joshua learning to feed himself.  Still working on it!

Taking new family pictures.  I think it was the hottest day of the year!  

Brendan can read!  Reading to Joshua

Our superheroes and their little cat Ted

I just like this one.

Makes me smile!

Makes me laugh out loud! This is our dog, Earth.  Our friends gave her to us after our break-in.  Yes, she is licking his whole face!

Friday, May 02, 2014

Lights, Sirens and Adrenaline!

Dear Family, Friends, & Prayer Warriors,
LIGHTS, SIRENS, ADRENALINE!  As promised, Dad and Mom are letting me write the next update, but I have a sneaking suspicion they didn’t anticipate it would be quite this soon.  I have missed you all, and wanted to say, “Hi”! 
This past Saturday night, April 26, was quite the experience.  It was unlike any event I have ever experienced before at least.  Many people tell me I have endured more than most kids my age and Saturday night was no exception.  About 12:40 AM my apnea monitor alarmed.  While it is common for my oxygen monitor (Mr. Pulse Ox) to alarm from time to time, it is not normal for my apnea monitor to alarm. The apnea machine monitors my breathing and heart rate while I sleep at night.  Because it never alarms, Daddy and Mommy both jumped out of bed immediately to come check on me when it started alarming.  Upon entering my room, they found that my heart rate was extremely low and I was not breathing.  They quickly tried to change my position and pat my back to make me breathe, but unfortunately this did not work.  Mommy laid me on the ground and starting breathing for me by performing mouth-to-mouth (Daddy said this was the “Kiss of Life” from Mommy) while Daddy ran and called the ambulance.  The ambulance and fire engine came racing down the road with lights and sirens while adrenaline was racing through Daddy and Mommy.  I started breathing on my own right before the firefighters came in my bedroom.  They were all really nice and very concerned for me.  They helped disconnect me from my monitors and food pump before I took my third trip in an ambulance! I needed to go to the hospital to see why I stopped breathing and my heart slowed. 
After many tests and only two needle pokes (which testifies Jesus was watching over me because it normally takes multiple needle pokes) they started an IV and tested my blood to try to find out why this all happened.  After receiving the results of these tests, my family continued to teach me about animal facts.  The doctor said I had the rhino virus.  I don’t know why they called it this, because I don’t have a horn on my nose and I’ve never been to Africa!?  People at the hospital did say I have grown a lot, but rhinos are HUGE.  Although it sounds scary, I was relieved to learn the rhino virus is really just the common cold.  The nice doctors and nurses explained that in some kids, the common cold can cause bigger problems.  Low and behold…I’m one of those kids. 
                After spending two nights in the hospital without any difficulties, they released me from the hospital Tuesday afternoon.  Gee, it feels good to be home!  Mommy asked Daddy if we could have a family sleepover in their room last night with me in my pack n play.  Daddy agreed, so we had a fun sleepover.  My parents kept a very close eye on me, so close it even woke me up sometimes.  Please pray that we can all get restful sleep now that I have returned home.  Please pray for peace and comfort for Dad and Mom as I think I scared them a little (Mommy just said I scared them A LOT actually!!).  Please continue to lift before God my previously arranged appointments on Friday with the vision doctor and for my EEG test.  Unless I am feeling sick, we are planning to make our road trip to Madison for my doctor appointments.
                Thank you for all the continued thoughts and prayers and for providing a support system to my family.  It is so nice to be the one writing this update as I missed talking to you.  I think Dad and Mom now understand that sometimes a girl has to take extreme measures to get her way (He He!).  Praise be to God for the fact that I am writing to you now.  We know it was truly a miracle that I began to breathe again on my own.  I am so thankful God is still writing my life story.  I will keep you informed on what we find out on Friday in Madison at my appointments.  Hope you have a great day and please thank Jesus for your health and every single breath you take today.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Happy Easter

    Dear Family, Friends & Prayer Warriors,
WOW!  In the blink of an eye, our precious Adalynn is 7 months old, and oh how our lives have changed.  The first time we wrote to you, it was hard to imagine what the next 7 hours or even 7 days would hold, let alone to be able to look back on 7 months of life. Today our little angel has grown into a little girl who is over 25 inches long and weighs nearly 20 pounds. The emotion and love we feel towards our daughter Adalynn is beyond words!  Seven months and ten days ago we experienced one of the best and worst day of our lives all at once.  The excitement of being able to see and hold our precious baby for the first time was unexpectedly halted by the shattering silence of an operating room with no cry.  Amid the focused medical voices and flurry of activity, we prayed and felt the unmistakable and overwhelming power of God’s presence.  Over the last seven months, our hope has remained in our Faith that God is in control.  Although the events of September 14, 2013 were a complete shock to us, God knew this was all going to happen; in that we find comfort.  God was with us that night and God has not left our side and we know He will be with us in the days to come.
Recently, Adalynn has been letting us know she would like an update to be sent.  This time we decided that we were going to give Adalynn a break and write this update from Dad and Mom, but don’t worry, she is sitting here letting us know what she thinks we should write!  Your ongoing support and prayers for Adalynn and our family overwhelm us. Without God’s help, we could not make it through a single day.  The most frequently asked questions in the last seven months are, “How is Adalynn?” and “How are you guys doing?”  These are both very difficult questions to answer.  Some days are hard.  Some days are GREAT! 
Today, Adalynn is doing well.  She did have an ear infection and pneumonia at the end of March. Thankfully, we were able to deal with her sickness at home with oxygen support, the monitors we already use daily, and medications.  This is a huge praise!  Developmentally, Adalynn continues to progress slowly. Here are a few specific highlights:
·         She has slept through the night a few times. 
·         She is beginning to use her legs more in therapy. 
·         Increasingly she lets her opinion be heard with more vocal responses. 
·         She has developed a love of music and often calms more quickly when it is playing. 
·         While not showing a consistent swallow, Adalynn has begun to respond to a spoon in her mouth.
·         Although delayed, her head control continues to improve. 
Currently, we are waiting for her hearing aids to arrive. Adalynn’s therapists are hopeful that by hearing more of the world around her will help her development.  Adalynn’s vision is still in question as it is not known how much she is able to see.  We will meet an eye doctor on May 2, in Madison, WI to test Adalynn’s vision.  Some people have questioned if Adalynn has developmentally ‘caught-up’ with kids her age.  Medically speaking, short of a miracle, for which we are still praying, Adalynn will never ‘catch-up’ with children her age in development.  Our Faith remains in Christ who is bigger than medicine and can do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine. 
Over a long weekend in March we took Adalynn swimming in a hotel.  She loved the water and was so relaxed she fell right to sleep in Dad’s arms.  Since it is no longer snowing and the weather has warmed up a bit, we have discovered Adalynn LOVES walks.  If she is having a ‘not so good’ day or her oxygen levels are a bit low, in the stroller and outside she goes to enjoy the fresh air and breeze. As a couple who loves the outdoors, it is a blessing that Adalynn can relax and breathe better when we are outside.  One of the first times Adalynn has appeared interested in something other than being held and snuggled was a few weeks ago when she appeared to truly interact and enjoy playing with a toy drum. Isn’t that the way it goes? All children must gravitate towards the loudest toys.
As parents, we are doing well most days.  It breaks our hearts watching Adalynn struggle to breathe at times, despite our best efforts to assist her.  Adalynn loves to be held and snuggled.  We laugh that although holding her as often as we do makes it quite difficult to get things done around house, we will never regret holding her and spending time talking to and cuddling her.  It is difficult not knowing what the future holds.  We know that none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.  We live everyday loving our little family and spending as much time together as possible.  It is fun to see the little steps of improvement.  Looking back seven months ago, we were not sure if Adalynn would ever tolerate getting out of the house as, at the time, increased stimulation would make her oxygen levels drop.  Seven months ago, she would not tolerate being held by multiple people, today she welcomes any shoulder that will accept a snuggle.  God is GOOD!  We continue to learn how to best balance increasing her stimulation (to aid in her development) and giving her the rest she needs which will help her brain grow and heal.  Unfortunately, we have yet to find the balance between taking time for ourselves and spending time with Adalynn.  Mommy doesn’t do well when she is away from her baby girl (welcome to parenthood!).
Many of you ask for specific prayer requests and praises to bring before the Father. 
Here are some updated ways to pray:
Prayer Requests:
·         May 2 - Adalynn sees the Pediatric Ophthalmologist (Eye Specialist) in Madison, WI
·         May 2 - Adalynn has an EEG of her brain to help determine if she is having seizures that we are not seeing
·         May 15 – Adalynn meets a new Speech Therapist
·         Continued progress as Adalynn meets weekly with Physical, Developmental, & Occupational Therapists, bi-weekly with a Hearing Therapist, and monthly with a speech therapist
·         Continued health as Adalynn is so susceptible to pneumonia
·         Daily strength and health for Dad and Mom
·         The ability to make it through a round a pneumonia without a hospital stay
·         Continued progress developmentally and moving her legs more
·         Adalynn’s love for the outdoors
·         Dad and Mom making it through the long winter without sickness
·         For the continued blessing of dedicated Therapists who come to our home to work with Adalynn. They focus on movement, massage (Adalynn’s favorite), flexibility, core strength (what will help Adalynn sit up one her own one day), hearing, and oral stimulation (to increase the activity of her facial muscles and tongue so that she might one day be able to eat without needing the feeding tube)
We thank you for your continued care, concern, support, and prayers.  Without all of these things, it would be difficult to make it through each day.  We hope you are enjoying the long awaited spring and that you had a wonderful Easter.

Ransom, Beth, and Adalynn

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dedicaton Sunday

Dear Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors,
                Happy Tuesday morning! My, where has the month of February gone?  I guess a 12 day hospital stay will make you feel that way. Thank you to each one of you who prayed for my healing of pneumonia and H1N1.  Thankfully, I am able to write to you from home today. I was discharged from the hospital on Thursday, February 6, and have had a full schedule since.  My therapy sessions resumed and I have returned to the doctor for two follow-up appointments as they continue to monitor my sodium levels. Unfortunately, this requires more pokes to draw my blood. I’m not a big fan of all the pokes, but Dad & Mom are always there to comfort me. Praise the Lord that my sodium levels have stabilized and as a result, the doctors have been able to decrease the sodium supplements I am given.
Each new day brings opportunities for advancements, challenges and thankfulness.  Recently, I met a new doctor who is joining my team to assist in my development and growth. The doctor put funny feeling foam stuff in my ears! Why would he do this you ask? Well, it was to size me for hearing aids. In the near future, I’ll be sporting little pink hearing aids. I can’t wait to hear what all I’ve been missing.  As Dad says, “It will be music to my ears.”

I am thankful to be home and showing signs of improvement and restored health.  Would you please join me in praying for a few specific prayer requests?

·         Please pray that my sodium levels would remain stable
·         Please pray the additional sodium supplements would no longer be necessary
·         Please pray for a timely delivery and quick adjustment to me wearing hearing aids
·         Please pray for my continued health so I can be at my child dedication Sunday, March 2, 2014
As mentioned, my dedication has been re-scheduled for this Sunday March 2, 2014.  The child dedication is a special celebration where Dad & Mom will be making a public declaration to raise me to know Jesus and guide me to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you are able, we would love for you to join us for this special occasion.  The dedication will take place at the 8:30AM service at First Free Church of Rockford.  (2223 N. Mulford Rd, Rockford, IL 61107)

Thank you in advance for your prayers. My family & I continue to feel your support as you lift us up to our Savior. We know He carries us through each day and are grateful to those interceding on our behalf.



Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Dear Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors,
               Pneumonia! Whew, that’s a tough one…thank goodness for the spell check function!  Unfortunately getting pneumonia is even tougher on this girl than spelling it.  Last Monday, January 20, my breathing became more difficult and it was a struggle for me to keep my oxygen levels up.  Dad and Mom quickly identified my distress and we went to the doctor and I started taking prescribed antibiotics for pneumonia.  Thankfully I was able to have the antibiotics administered from the comforts of home.  I started feeling much better and then all the sudden Sunday morning, January 26, my oxygen levels just would not stay in a normal range.  I even had to have oxygen support on and off at home to assist my breathing.  It was evident that I needed additional care so Dad and Mom took me to the hospital.  Following several tests, it was decided I needed to be admitted to the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) where I could receive the best care and have my symptoms monitored.  The doctors and nurses are very concerned about my pneumonia diagnosis, some of my electrolyte levels, and the high possibility of me having seizures.  They are poking me time and time again for IV’s and lab tests; I feel like a pin cushion!  How is a princess supposed to get her beauty rest with all these interruptions?  When I was diagnosed with pneumonia last week and sent home with medication, I did not think I would end up in the hospital. I would much rather be at home where I am comfortable and in familiar surroundings.
We know that God is in the details and we ask that you would please intercede on my behalf in prayer.
  • Please pray for wisdom. 
    Pray that the doctors would have an understanding of my condition and my needs for recovery.
    Pray for Dad and Mom that they would know how to best advocate for me and discernment for my care.
  • Please pray that I would have improved breathing and my lungs would become clear.
  • Please pray that my Sodium levels would improve to a stable level.
  • Please pray that I would get restful sleep.  I am very exhausted from all the pokes and tests.
  • Please pray that I would be discharged from the hospital so I can be at my child dedication Sunday February 2, 2014
As mentioned, I hope to be home by Sunday so I can be dedicated.  If I am indeed home, you are more than welcome to join us for this special occasion.  The dedication will take place at the 8:30AM service at First Free Church of Rockford.
Thank you in advance for your prayers. My apologies that my hospitalization is the reason for writing to you today; believe me, thankful lists are much more enjoyable to compose! No matter the circumstances, your thoughts and prayers mean so much to me and my family.  I will write again soon with an update.